The Lead Partner carries out the activities in the field (development of brassiculture production protocols on pilot plant and sensory analysis; adaptation of brassiculture production protocols and scale up in craft brewery; evaluation and control of microbial contaminants in craft beer production chains; other). Core business of the enterprise is "cereal cultivation," an area in which highly specialized expertise has been achieved, the input of which will be made to serve the research project.
OFFICINE BIRRAI contributes to the development of "micro-scale" malting techniques, testing a micro-malting plant and evaluating the aptitude of different raw materials to produce quality craft beer. Core business of the enterprise is "beer production." As part of the project, OFFICINE BIRRAI SRL brings its know-how and expertise gained in the relevant field, as well as extensive knowledge of consumer preferences and tastes.
SOCIETA’ COOPERATIVA AGRICOLA VALLEVERDE contributes to the implementation of the operations referred to in the intervention plan, such as: the practice of optimization of cultivation techniques and agronomic management of selected resources; animation, information and transfer/dissemination of results (dissemination). Activities aimed at the dissemination and exploitation of results (public opportunities for discussion, moments of dissemination of technological and/or organizational solutions introduced, meetings, workshops, seminars, farm visits, etc.) are aimed at increasing the awareness of direct and indirect project beneficiaries, extending the impact, involving stakeholders, sharing solutions, know-how and best practices. As part of the project, the Company contributes knowledge and expertise gained in harvesting, processing, storage of primary agricultural products.
UNIVERSITY OF FOGGIA participates in the project in the role of research institution. As a partner, within the project, UNIFG contributes to the planning, management and coordination of experimental activities, such as: evaluation of the production performance of different hop varieties; design of innovative starter crops for the production of quality agricultural craft beer; development of brassiculture production protocols on pilot plant and sensory analysis; other. In terms of project, UNIFG is the beneficiary of significant, dynamic and innovative experiences, gained through various funding lines (REGIONAL TECHNOLOGICAL CLUSTERS, F.S.C. 2007/2013; PSR REGIONE PUGLIA, Mis. 124; Project Proposals for Research and Experimentation in Agriculture - B.U.R.P. n. 59 of 02/05/2013; other). It also has a carefully selected and qualified teaching staff, which makes use of highly technological devices, supporting the project at every stage of implementation.
In relation to the functions assigned within the scope of the project, D.A.Re Scrl contributes to the implementation of the interventions referred to in the dissemination plan, bringing the experience - gained in the service of research institutions and companies - to support the drafting of R&D projects consistent with both the technological expertises of scientific institutions and the market strategies and internal lines of development of companies. In fact, in the field of project management, product and process innovation of the regional fruit and vegetable, cereal, wine, dairy and zootechnics sectors, D.A.Re Scrl has gained experience in the framework of the PSR REGIONE PUGLIA 2007-2013 (Mis. 124) and beyond. In relation to the assigned activities, it will periodically verify that all partners share operational, technical and organizational choices.
As part of the project, CASSANDRO SRL UNIPERSONALE brings experience in project management, reporting, agronomic and financial consulting related to EC structural funds and, in particular, those under the following intervention programs: MIS. 124, PSR PUGLIA REGION 2007-2013; MIS. 124, PSR REGION ABRUZZO 2007-2013; MIS. 16, PSR REGION MOLISE 2014-2020; MIS. 16, PSR LAZIO REGION 2014-2020; MIS. 16, PSR CALABRIA REGION 2014-2020. In relation to assigned activities, it will periodically verify that all partners share operational, technical and organizational choices.
In relation to the functions assigned as part of the project, ARETE' SRL contributes to the implementation of the interventions through the activity of market analysis, in order to define the perimeter, size, main competitors and prices, with the aim of quantifying the potential added value resulting from the innovations and the related benefits that can be distributed throughout the supply chain. As part of the project, ARETE' SRL brings knowledge and know-how gained in the area of Market Intelligence. In addition, in relation to the assigned activities, it exercises the periodic involvement of partners, to whom it provides the tools for the knowledge of target markets, risk management in the purchase of raw materials and in the placement of the product in the target markets. In addition, he brings to the project knowledge and know-how gained in related project experiences (PSR Regione Emilia Romagna 2018- 2019; PSR Regione Emilia Romagna - 2017-2019; other).
As part of the project, the COUNCIL FOR RESEARCH IN AGRICULTURE AND ECONOMIC ANALYSIS contributes to the implementation of interventions related to: the evaluation and recovery of indigenous cereal resources; the optimization of cultivation techniques and agronomic management of selected resources; and the development of brassiculture production protocols on pilot planting and sensory analysis. In the project area, CREA is the beneficiary of significant, dynamic and innovative experiences, gained through different funding lines (MIPAAF; MIUR; Apulia Region; Basilicata Region; H2020-EU.; other). Italy's leading research organization dedicated to agrifood supply chains, it has scientific expertise ranging from the agricultural, livestock, fisheries, forestry, agroindustrial, and nutritional sectors to the socioeconomic sphere. High-tech tools, teaching aids and effective facilities will support the project at every stage of implementation.
As part of the project, the CNR contributes to the implementation of interventions related to the characterization - on a laboratory scale - of yeasts and bacteria isolated in the areas identified for experimental activities. Since its establishment, the research institution has presented on the training and research level, dynamic and innovative proposals within the project theme of the intervention program. In the project theme, it is the beneficiary of significant, dynamic and innovative experiences, accrued through different funding lines (Regional Technological Clusters - Apulia Region; Regional Operational Program ERDF 2007-2013 - Apulia Region; Regional Strategic Project - POR Apulia 2000-2006; other). The CNR has been active, for more than two decades, in the implementation of projects for research, innovation and competitiveness of the national and international industrial system. As part of the project, the Institution contributes highly specialized human resources and expertise.
In relation to the assigned functions, CIA PUGLIA contributes to the implementation of the interventions by playing the role of innovation broker, through the activities of: secretariat and technical-operational coordination; project committee meetings; financial coordination and project reporting; execution process; control process; and incident response planning. In addition, it contributes to the implementation of interventions under the dissemination plan, such as: animation, information and transfer/dissemination of results. The activities intended for the dissemination and exploitation of results (public opportunities for discussion, moments of dissemination of technological and/or organizational solutions introduced, meetings, workshops, seminars, company visits, etc.) are aimed at increasing the awareness of direct and indirect project beneficiaries, extending the impact, involving stakeholders, sharing solutions, know-how and best practices. As part of the project, the Confederation brings experience in the protection and development of the figure of the agricultural entrepreneur and his enterprise.
GIUSEPPE SOLIMANDO contributes to the implementation of interventions through the implementation of field activities, which are structured and monitored by research institutions. In the area of primary agricultural production, the company has highly specialized skills: traditional cereal and experimental brewing hop cultivation is, in fact, the company's core business. As part of the project, GIUSEPPE SOLIMANDO brings knowledge and expertise gained in primary agricultural production.
As part of the project, BIRRA SALENTO S.R.L. contributes to the implementation of the interventions referred to in the dissemination plan, such as: animation, information and transfer/dissemination of results. The activities intended for the dissemination and exploitation of results (public opportunities for discussion, moments of dissemination of technological and/or organizational solutions introduced, meetings, workshops, seminars, company visits, etc.) are aimed at increasing the awareness of direct and indirect project beneficiaries, extending the impact, involving stakeholders, sharing solutions, know-how and best practices. Advanced techniques, quality products carefully selected by master brewers and researchers have made BIRRA SALENTO SRL a leading producer of Apulian agricultural beer. As part of the project, it brings knowledge and expertise gained in the industry.